Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Currently.....and a 100 Follower Giveaway Looming in the Near Future

Yet another month has flown by. We are already into the second month of 2013. Where did January go? Is this a sign of how this year is going to speed by?

Speaking of another month....I have decided to link up with Farley over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade with her "Currently" Linky Party. So without any further delay, here is mine:

Listening - to the humming of my refrigerator was actually a peaceful relaxing sound that I needed after having 15 gifted students ranging from 2nd - 6th grade in one room with me from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. Now this in itself isn't so bad....but trying to have them all doing an art project at the same using watercolor....well lets just say....I feel extremely lucky that only two spill mishaps happened during this project today!

Loving - Really for the same reason as I posted above. However, I do honestly love my quiet time.

Thinking - Oh yeah...I really need to get to work on that Australia unit. The kiddos in my classes are looking to start that little puppy next week. Yeah...more art work...this time aboriginal. I know...I am a GLUTTON for punishment.

Wanting - Oh...I know... I can see you questioning this one...after all, what teacher goes to three different schools to serve students in a week. That teacher would be ME! I would really like to be able to go to one school everyday of the week. 

Needing -  to get more focused. My mind has really been all over the place lately. I start working on something and WHAM all of a sudden, I'm onto something else. Crazy...I know!

Pet Peeves - Making excuses is probably the pet peeve that is highest on my list. It really gets under my skin when people/students start to make excuses instead of standing up and taking responsibility for things. Then there is the tattling.....I despise to hear a student tattling. It is my opinion, that tattling is normal for small children, but if you have reached at least 2nd grade, it NEEDS to STOP!

OK...it is time for me to get off my soapbox now. 

I also want to talk about the fact that very soon I expect that I will have 100 followers on this blog. So....I thought a giveaway would be in order once this milestone is reached. I already have some mighty fine TpT sellers who are providing some great items from their stores as prizes. Obviously, I can't start this giveaway until I have actually reached 100 followers...but it shouldn't be long now! So be sure to keep checking back so you don't miss the opportunity to win these awesome prizes.

OK...I know this has been a long post....but I'm signing off now! See you soon!



  1. I love the font you used in your currently! The hearts are adorable :)

    And that's a big pet peeve of mine too. It's okay to admit you messed up!

    And three schools each week, that must be hard. Our social worker does that right now too and I don't know how she does it. I feel for you...

    Brie @ Breezy Special Ed

    1. Thanks for stopping by my little piece of real estate in blogland! I just love connecting with others.

  2. I found you through Currently and I thought I would help you toward you 100 followers. I understand the need for focus. I have been feeling all over the place lately.

    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for becoming my newest follower.

  3. I love your font! I used to same one! :) Those hearts are too sweet!
    Having to go to three schools is too much on anyone. Wow!

    Adventures in First with Mrs. Key

    1. I love that font, too! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Well I will be follower # 93 or so- perhaps that will help! I found your blog through Farley's February Currently. I am enjoying reading everyone's currently items. You can visit me at: http://teachersareterrific.blogspot.com/

  5. Thanks for stopping by! I love reading all of the "Currently" posts as well.

  6. May I ask how you got other TPT sellers to give away items for your upcoming giveaway? I'm have always been curious to know how people get others do to that. Just wondering.. :)

    Ciera - adventuresofroom129.blogspot.com

    1. Ciera, Thanks for stopping by my blog.

      I posted a thread on the TpT Forum and had them email with the info if they were willing to donate.

      Donating items for giveaways is a good way to increase traffic to your blog or FB page.

      Hope this helps

  7. I'm your newest follower, I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine!
    Science for Kids Blog

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just love connecting with other teachers!

  8. We just became your newest follower! Still trying to figure out this blog thing before we post!

    KNJ Kreations

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Just jump on into blogging with both feet and don't look back! Welcome to bloggy land!!

  9. I am your newest follower! Almost at 100 followers! :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by and bringing me even closer to that 100 mark!

  10. I agree, after teaching all day, quiet time is never over rated. I'm follower #97, so you're even closer now.

    1. Thank you so much for being #97...only 3 more to go!!
